Hello there! Welcome to my daily blog.
Why create another blog while I have Hashcode blog already
Well, the reason is quite simple. I plan to use Hashnode for technical or lengthy explanations, while this blog will be dedicated to sharing my weekly progress on open source contributions, as well as tips and tricks I've learned along the way
Let's see how you can setup your blog on gitbub pages for free using Pelican open source static site generator and can write in markdown or .rst files.
Intresting right?
Step 1 : Installation
Go to your directory /my-blog
Create virtual environment and activate it.
Now install pelican
python -m pip install "pelican[markdown]"
Step 2 : Create a Project
Create project in the current directory itself /my-blog
> pelican-quickstart
Select .
for current directory as well as all other opetions that are asked.
After completion you should be able to see /content
, /author
, etc. directories.
Inside /content
directory create a file called 1st-post.md
Now add following content into this file
Title: My first title
Date: 2023-09-18 09:20
Modified: 2023-09-18 09:20
Category: Open source
Tags: open source, pelican
Slug: testing-my-blog
Authors: Yourname
Summary: Short summary of blog
Write your blog here 🚀
Step 3 : Generate and Preview
To generate site run following command
pelican content
The site has been generated inside /output
To preview run following command
pelican --listen
Now you can see the preview of your site at localhost on port 8000
If you've got any dificulties you can refer Pelican quick start docs
Congratulations 🎉 your blog is ready to be deploy!.
Change to Other Themes
We will be changing theme to the Attila. You can see demo here
Download the theme from here and put unzipped directory to the root of /my-blog
Now run following command to add to pelican
pelican-themes -U attila
To list all the themes run following command
pelican-themes -l
Now if you are able to see the theme name in the list, you have to add theme name into pelicanconf.py
file. like following.
THEME = "attila-1.6"
Horray 🎉 Theme changed!
Publish to Github Pages
Clone the empty repository or initialize this current directory
Now run following command
> pelican content -o output -s pelicanconf.py
> ghp-import output -b gh-pages
> git push origin gh-pages
After pushing you also need to push it to main branch.
Then go to settings > Pages > select source branch as gh-pages
and root directory and hit save button.
Now it will run github actions for deploying the content in gh-pages branch.
Now the remaining step is sharing your link on socials 😀
Thanks for reading.
Reference Links
Publish to GitHub Pages : Link
Attila Theme : Link